

アラブ首長国連邦ドバイ-- 貿易分野の有力イネーブラーのDPワールドUAEリージョンと自律車両、ロボティクス、AIの専門企業のDGワールドは、既存の業務プロセスおよびインフラの統合を含め、ジュベルアリ港に自律型ターミナル構内車両(AITV)を配備することで契約を結びました。

Is hawkish adviser Peter Navarro accountable for his role in pandemic response?

Hawks are like gatecrashers at the battle against the coronavirus. We know them from previous political dramas. But at a time when we are saving people’s lives and looking for medical supplies, we find them extremely dangerous. One of the infamous and fervent hawkish politicians in the Trump Administration, Peter Navarro, is now in charge of pandemic supplies. Can he get us enough masks in the fas

A Blame Game That Costs Lives

The Covid-19 death toll keeps surging every day. As of April 26, the coronavirus casualty has surpassed 50,000 in the United States. When there is a disaster and our beloved ones might suffer or lose life, we look up to someone competent and strong to plan, execute and lead us out of the darkness. But instead we see rivalries and blame games - pointing fingers with ridiculous reasons.

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